It didn't work out so well for the Romans
Yes, 2,000 years ago people were more superstitious, mostly illiterate and had no internet. I wouldn't compare two societies that are not comparable.
russian church welcomes shutdown of "moscow church of scientology".
moscow, july 1, interfax - the russian orthodox church has welcomed a ruling by the russian supreme court which yesterday upheld the legality of a shutdown of the "church of scientology of moscow".
"the upholding by the supreme court of the legality of the shutdown of the so-called church of scientology is seen as an important precedent demonstrating the state's determination not to recognize as religious those organizations that use people's religious feeling for malign purposes, " russian orthodox church spokesman vakhtang kipshidze told interfax-religion.the ruling in the scientologists' case is not a breach of the religious freedom since "it was proved in court that the very activity of this organization is an affront to human freedom as such," kipshidze said.the russian orthodox church regularly comes into contact with people whose membership in totalitarian sects left them deeply wounded spiritually and mentally, ruined their lives and happiness, the spokesman said.
It didn't work out so well for the Romans
Yes, 2,000 years ago people were more superstitious, mostly illiterate and had no internet. I wouldn't compare two societies that are not comparable.
hello everyone, it's been quite a while since i was last on this forum.
originally i was under a different user name, but lost all that information when i moved to a different state.
anyways, i had left the jws back in 2001, after being raised up in it most of my childhood life.
Go and don't leave until the end of the reunion. Or don't go at all. Nothing half way.
i haven't been on here much, but every so often i try and keep up with the discussions.
i'm sure this topic has been talked about before, so my apologies in advance if i'm repeating.. a little about me.... i'm a non baptized jw married to a devout jw.
both my husband and i were raised in the organization.
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
i haven't been on here much, but every so often i try and keep up with the discussions.
i'm sure this topic has been talked about before, so my apologies in advance if i'm repeating.. a little about me.... i'm a non baptized jw married to a devout jw.
both my husband and i were raised in the organization.
Agree with previous posters. Be open about your concerns. Fight to keep an equal position as a parent in having a say regarding your children's upbringing. Definitely no home schooling. Encourage your children to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. If your husband is intransigent then you fight hard. If the fight seems futile then you go to the separation part, but making sure that your kids understand clearly that you have their best interest in mind. I am in a similar situation to yours, but I have the big advantage given by the God of the Bible, I am a male. I know, it sucks being a smart woman and an independent thinker in a Christian cult.
You definitely have your brain and heart in the right places. You just have to proceed slowly and carefully.
i'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
Exercise has been the best medicine for me to cure any physical and mental ailments. Try it. I hope yo do and stick to it, not as a temporary remedy, but as a permanent lifestyle. Your priorities should be in this order
Fitness (physical and mental)
Family and friends (only if they are healthy)
Fulfillment and felicity will come next
i'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
I hate this effing cult. Combined with fanatic parents, this cult leaves almost no options to the most vulnerable.
You need support. The sooner, the better. Talk to adults that you come into contact. There has to be someone out there that can direct you to the right place. in the meantime, get ready to land a job as soon as possible. It can be a good therapy and a source of income at the same time it is an opportunity to network with more normal people. The most important thing is that you get the best secular education possible, but you may have to postpone it until you have dealt with your emotional stability and your financial self sufficiency.
the degradation of the governing body members continues on.
mark sanderson gives a talk regarding his visit to belgium for the memorial this year and was travelling from korea to munich to brussels, belgium on the day of the belgium terrorist attacks.he cannot wipe the smirk on his face as he relates his experience, with no regard whatsoever of all those unfortunately affected by the attacks.
in fact, he personally found god's hand affecting him personally, allowing him to attend the memorial as planned and a kh dedication.he is that privileged during his flight travels that internet was available to him, enabling him to catch up on current news and to contact branch's.
Thank you Listener for the link. It's perfect. I just wanted the video without any additions.
observations: if man is merely a machine and the universe is merely a mechanism .... if men were only machines, they would react more or less uniformly to a material universe.
individuality, much less personality, would be nonexistent.. materialism reduces man to a soulless automaton and constitutes him merely an arithmetical symbol finding a helpless place in the mathematical formula of an unromantic and mechanistic universe.
but whence comes all this vast universe of mathematics without a master mathematician?
If there ever will be such a computer, it won’t spontaneously create itself. It will be the product of a super intelligent computer programmer.
By your logic, such a super intelligent programmer couldn't come into existence unless a super-duper amazingly, astonishingly intelligent programmer created it. And so on....
the degradation of the governing body members continues on.
mark sanderson gives a talk regarding his visit to belgium for the memorial this year and was travelling from korea to munich to brussels, belgium on the day of the belgium terrorist attacks.he cannot wipe the smirk on his face as he relates his experience, with no regard whatsoever of all those unfortunately affected by the attacks.
in fact, he personally found god's hand affecting him personally, allowing him to attend the memorial as planned and a kh dedication.he is that privileged during his flight travels that internet was available to him, enabling him to catch up on current news and to contact branch's.
anyone know the link to the borg's site. I want to show it to my son and see if he can detect what's wrong with it.